Clootie well

The clootie well near Munlochy, on the Black Isle, Scotland.
Clootie tree next to St Brigid's Well, Kildare, Ireland.

A clootie well is a holy well (or sacred spring), almost always with a tree growing beside it, where small strips of cloth or ribbons are left as part of a healing ritual, usually by tying them to branches of the tree (called a clootie tree or rag tree). Clootie wells are places of pilgrimage usually found in Celtic areas. It is believed the tradition comes from the ancient custom of leaving votive offerings in water.[1] In Scots, a clootie or cloot is a strip of cloth or rag.

  1. ^ "'It's upset a lot of people': outrage after tidy-up of Scottish sacred well". The Guardian. 30 January 2022. Retrieved 30 January 2022.