Coccygeus muscle

Coccygeus muscle
Left levator ani from within.
OriginSacrospinous ligament and ischial spine
InsertionLateral margin of coccyx and related border of sacrum
NervePudendal nerve; sacral nerves: S4, S5[1] or S3-S4[2]
ActionsPulls coccyx forward after defecation, closing in the back part of the outlet of the pelvis
Latinmusculus coccygeus
Anatomical terms of muscle

The coccygeus muscle or ischiococcygeus is a muscle of the pelvic floor located posterior to levator ani and anterior to the sacrospinous ligament.

  1. ^ Essential Clinical Anatomy. K.L. Moore & A.M. Agur. Lippincott, 2 ed. 2002. Page 217
  2. ^ "". Archived from the original on 2007-12-16. Retrieved 2007-12-09.