Complemented lattice

Hasse diagram of a complemented lattice. A point p and a line l of the Fano plane are complements if and only if p does not lie on l.

In the mathematical discipline of order theory, a complemented lattice is a bounded lattice (with least element 0 and greatest element 1), in which every element a has a complement, i.e. an element b satisfying a ∨ b = 1 and a ∧ b = 0. Complements need not be unique.

A relatively complemented lattice is a lattice such that every interval [cd], viewed as a bounded lattice in its own right, is a complemented lattice.

An orthocomplementation on a complemented lattice is an involution that is order-reversing and maps each element to a complement. An orthocomplemented lattice satisfying a weak form of the modular law is called an orthomodular lattice.

In bounded distributive lattices, complements are unique. Every complemented distributive lattice has a unique orthocomplementation and is in fact a Boolean algebra.