Compliance requirements

In the United States, compliance requirements are a series of directives United States federal government agencies established that summarize hundreds of federal laws and regulations applicable to federal assistance (also known as federal aid or federal funds). They are currently incorporated into the OMB A-133 Compliance Supplement, which was created by the US Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

To facilitate a recipients' compliance with federal laws and regulations, and as well as its annual Single Audit, the OMB created fourteen basic and standard compliance requirements that recipients must comply with when receiving and using such federal assistance. The OMB also provides detailed explanations, discussions, and guidance about them in the OMB A-133 Compliance Supplement. Compliance requirements are only guidelines for compliance with the hundreds of laws and regulations applicable to the specific type assistance used by the recipient, and their objectives are generic in nature due to the large number of federal programs.[1] Each compliance requirement is identified by a letter, in alphabetical order.

  1. ^ A-133 Sup Part 3 (2013); pg. 3-1, ΒΆ 1-2