Composition algebra

In mathematics, a composition algebra A over a field K is a not necessarily associative algebra over K together with a nondegenerate quadratic form N that satisfies

for all x and y in A.

A composition algebra includes an involution called a conjugation: The quadratic form is called the norm of the algebra.

A composition algebra (A, ∗, N) is either a division algebra or a split algebra, depending on the existence of a non-zero v in A such that N(v) = 0, called a null vector.[1] When x is not a null vector, the multiplicative inverse of x is . When there is a non-zero null vector, N is an isotropic quadratic form, and "the algebra splits".

  1. ^ Springer, T. A.; F. D. Veldkamp (2000). Octonions, Jordan Algebras and Exceptional Groups. Springer-Verlag. p. 18. ISBN 3-540-66337-1.