Conservative Laestadianism

Summer services at Perho, Finland in 2005
Laestadius preaching in Lapland.
In the right altar piece in Jukkasjärvi church, Laestadius kneeling before Sami woman Maria, who served as his teacher.
A speaker and older listeners at Summer Services in Perho, Finland 2005
The Christian Folk High School of Jämsä belongs to the conservative Laestadian movement in Finland.

Conservative Laestadianism is the largest branch of the Lutheran revival movement Laestadianism. It has spread to 16 countries. As of 2012 there were about 115,000 Conservative Laestadians, most of them in Finland, the United States, Norway, and Sweden.[1][2] The movement and this denomination attribute their teachings to the Bible and the Lutheran Book of Concord.

  1. ^ Talonen 2001. s. 25
  2. ^ Talonen 2012. Lecture (in finnish) in Laestadius-seminar in Oulu 5. october 2012. Virtuaalikirkko has videos from seminar, and they are archived in Internet: "VIRTUAALIKIRKKO - Virtuaalikirkon arkisto". Archived from the original on 2014-08-05. Retrieved 2012-10-17.