
Paintings restoration

A conservator-restorer is a professional responsible for the preservation of artistic and cultural artifacts, also known as cultural heritage.[1] Conservators possess the expertise to preserve cultural heritage in a way that retains the integrity of the object, building or site, including its historical significance, context and aesthetic or visual aspects.[2] This kind of preservation is done by analyzing and assessing the condition of cultural property, understanding processes and evidence of deterioration, planning collections care or site management strategies that prevent damage, carrying out conservation treatments, and conducting research.[3] A conservator's job is to ensure that the objects in a museum's collection are kept in the best possible condition, as well as to serve the museum's mission to bring art before the public.[4]

  1. ^ "About Conservation: What is conservation? What is a conservator?". American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC). Retrieved 2017-05-29.
  2. ^ Defining the Conservator: Essential Competencies. (2003). Retrieved from
  3. ^ Careers in Conservation. (2014). Retrieved from
  4. ^ Neuman, R. (2011). MFA Highlights: Conservation and Care of Museum Collections. Boston, MA: Museum of Fine Arts.