Constituent Cortes of 1820

Portuguese Cortes 1822, by Oscar Pereira da Silva

The Constituent Cortes of 1820, formal title The General and Extraordinary Cortes of the Portuguese Nation, also frequently known as the Sovereign Congress or the Cortes Constituintes Vintistas, was the first modern Portuguese parliament. Created after the Liberal Revolution of 1820 to prepare a constitution for Portugal and its overseas territories,[1] it used a different system from the traditional General Cortes for choosing representatives, and the three traditional feudal estates (Clergy, Nobility, and Commoners) no longer sat separately. The Cortes sat between January 24, 1821 and November 4, 1822 at the Necessidades Palace in Lisbon. The work of the Constitutional Cortes culminated in the approval of the Portuguese Constitution of 1822.

  1. ^ Cabral, Dilma (2012). "Cortes Gerais e Extraordinárias da Nação Portuguesa". Arquivo Nacional, Brasil. Retrieved 16 April 2019.