Construction and renovation fires

Fire backlights a renovation scaffold during the 2019 Notre-Dame de Paris fire.
Trinity Cathedral, Saint Petersburg in 2006; a fire started in the scaffolding

Construction and renovation are common circumstances for fires, which present particular difficulties to firefighters.

Børsen fire, April 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark

During construction, buildings often do not have elements that would protect them from fire, such as walls and sprinkler systems.[1] Poor water supplies and the accumulation of flammable materials also present risks.[2] Works often require heat or even open flame, and these can set off fires that smoulder for hours before being noticed. For this reason, work sites may need 24-hour fire watches.[3]

Builder's risk insurance may cover damage from such fires.

  1. ^ Robertson, Homer (1 Jan 2011). "Fires in Buildings Under Construction". Fire Rescue Magazine.
  2. ^ U.S. Fire Administration (19 March 2019). "Fire prevention at buildings under renovation or construction". Coffee Break Bulletin.
  3. ^ Captain, Sean (15 April 2019). "Notre-Dame fire: Why historic restorations keep going up in flames". Fast Company.