Copyright law of France

The droit d'auteur or French authors' rights law, is in the jurisdiction of France a set of exclusive prerogatives available to a creator over his or her intellectual work, as part of the intellectual property area of law. It has been very influential in the development of authors' rights laws in other civil law jurisdictions, and in the development of international authors' rights law such as the Berne Convention. It has its roots in the 16th century, before the legal concept of copyright was developed in the United Kingdom. Based on the "rights of the author" instead of on the right to copy, its philosophy and terminology are different from those used in copyright law in common law jurisdictions. The term droit d’auteur reveals that the interests of the author are at the center of the system, not that of the investor.

French authors' rights law is defined in the Code de la propriété intellectuelle, which partly implements European authors' rights law (European Union directive). Two distinct sets of rights are defined:

  • Proprietary rights (droits patrimoniaux)
  • Moral rights (droits moraux)