Cormac Fitzgeoffrey

Cormac Fitzgeoffrey is a fictional character created by Robert E. Howard. He is a half-Norman, half-Gael Knight who is taking part in the Third Crusade.[1] Howard wrote two short stories featuring the character and a synopsis that was later completed by another author. Although Howard was most famous for his fantasy fiction, especially Conan the Barbarian, the Cormac stories have for the majority a purely historical setting, albeit the second one involves Lovecraftian elements.

"Hawks of Outremer" was originally published in the Spring 1931 issue of Oriental Stories
"The Blood of Belshazzar" was originally published in the Autumn 1931 issue of Oriental Stories
  1. ^ Nielsen, Leon. Robert E. Howard : a collector's descriptive bibliography of American and British hardcover, paperback, magazine, special and amateur editions, with a biography.Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland & Co., [2010]. ISBN 9780786461097 (p. 91)