Cornelius Nozeman

Pica pica the Magpie. Plate by Jan Christiaan Sepp in Nederlandsche Vogelen

Cornelius Nozeman or Cornelis (15 August 1720[1]– 22 July 1786) was a Dutch Remonstrant churchman and naturalist.

  1. ^ Cornelis Nozeman was born 15 August 1720. He was baptized at home 23 August 1720 according to the Churchregister of Baptization in the Municipal Archives of Amsterdam nr. 301 p. 344 (folio 172 v) nr. 5. The often mistaken birth-year 1721 is given bij A.J. van der Aa, in Biographisch Woordenboek der Nederlanden, Tweede Deel vierde stuk 1855 p. 336.