Cotton-spinning machinery

Platt's roving frame, c. 1858.

Cotton-spinning machinery is machines which process (or spin) prepared cotton roving into workable yarn or thread.[1] Such machinery can be dated back centuries. During the 18th and 19th centuries, as part of the Industrial Revolution cotton-spinning machinery was developed to bring mass production to the cotton industry. Cotton spinning machinery was installed in large factories, commonly known as cotton mills.

Cotton manufacturing processes
Bale breaker Blowing room
Breaker scutcher Batting
Finishing scutcher Lapping Teasing
Carding Carding room
Sliver lap
Roving Fine roving
Mule spinning Ring spinning Spinning
Reeling Doubling
Winding Bundling Bleaching
Weaving shed Winding
Beaming Cabling
Warping Gassing
Sizing/slashing/dressing Spooling
Cloth Yarn (cheese) Bundle Sewing thread
  1. ^ Brown, Yvette (2023-05-02). "How Does a Cotton Spinning Machine Work? - Display Cloths". Retrieved 2023-08-07.