County Armagh (Parliament of Ireland constituency)

County Armagh
Former county constituency
for the Irish House of Commons
CountyCounty Armagh
1585[1] (1585[1])–1801 (1801)
Replaced byArmagh County

County Armagh was a constituency represented in the Irish House of Commons, the house of representatives of the Kingdom of Ireland, until 1800.

  1. ^ Moody, T.W.; Martin, F.X.; Byrne, F.J. (1991). Early Modern Ireland, 1534-1691. Oxford University Press. p. 166. ISBN 9780198202424.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)Inquisitionum in Officio Rotulorum Cancellariae Hiberniae Asservatarum Repertorium (Repertory of the Inquisitions of the Chancery of Ireland) Volume II, page xix 'An Order for the division, setting out and appoyntinge of the boundes, lymytts and circuits of sixe severall sheires or countyes within the pvince of Ulster within this realme of Ireland, viz. the countye of Tyron, the countye of Donnyngall, the countye of Fermanaghe, the countye of Colrane, the countye of Armaghe and the countye of Monohon ... the firste of September anno dei 1585, annoque d[omi]n[a]e Regin[a]e Elizabeth', 27mo'