Covariance function

In probability theory and statistics, the covariance function describes how much two random variables change together (their covariance) with varying spatial or temporal separation. For a random field or stochastic process Z(x) on a domain D, a covariance function C(xy) gives the covariance of the values of the random field at the two locations x and y:

The same C(xy) is called the autocovariance function in two instances: in time series (to denote exactly the same concept except that x and y refer to locations in time rather than in space), and in multivariate random fields (to refer to the covariance of a variable with itself, as opposed to the cross covariance between two different variables at different locations, Cov(Z(x1), Y(x2))).[1]

  1. ^ Wackernagel, Hans (2003). Multivariate Geostatistics. Springer.