Craignish Castle

Craignish Castle

Craignish Castle is located on the Craignish peninsula in Argyll, western Scotland and is a category B listed building. The present castle includes a 16th-century tower house, the seat of the Campbell family of Craignish and Jura (was it the original seat?). In the 19th century it was sold to the Trench-Gascoigne family of Parlington Hall, Yorkshire, who built a large extension to the tower. In the later 20th century the house was restored and parts of the 19th-century extension were demolished. The result of these extensions and styles from various centuries have made the castle a Scottish baronial masterpiece. It has previously been known as Loch Beag.[1]

  1. ^ Franklin, Luke (25 October 2021). "Craignish Castle | Lochgilphead, Scotland | Ultimate guide of Castles, Kings, Knights & more | Castrum to Castle". Retrieved 25 October 2022.