Cruisers of the Royal New Zealand Navy

Commissioned cruisers of the Royal New Zealand Navy from its formation on 1 October 1941 to the present:

Name Type Class Dates Notes
HMNZS Achilles (70) Cruiser Leander class 1941–1946 in the New Zealand Division 1936–1941
HMNZS Leander Cruiser Leander class 1941–1948 in the New Zealand Division 1937–1941
HMNZS Monowai (F59) Armed merchant cruiser n/a 1940–1943 Liner fitted with guns. Surplus in 1943 and converted to landing ship
HMNZS Gambia (C48) Cruiser Crown Colony class 1943–1946 Passed to RNZN as Leander and Achilles were out of action after being damaged in Pacific.
HMNZS Bellona (63) Cruiser Dido classBellona subgroup 1946–1956
HMNZS Black Prince (81) Cruiser Dido classBellona subgroup 1946–1961 Second World War light cruiser loaned from Royal Navy. In reserve 1947-1953. In reserve from 1953. Used as accommodation and source of parts for 'Royalist
HMNZS Royalist (C89) Cruiser Dido classBellona subgroup 1956–1966 Second World War light cruiser purchased from Royal Navy after reconstruction