Cultural Heritage Act (Norway)

Cultural Heritage Act
(Lov om kulturminner)
Territorial extentNorway
PassedJune 9, 1978
CommencedFebruary 15, 1979

The Cultural Heritage Act (Norwegian: Lov om kulturminner or kulturminneloven)[1] of 1978 is a Norwegian law that protects heritage sites and cultural environments. The structures and spaces that it covers are deemed to have cultural or architectural value. The act includes heritage such as structures and sites, sometimes the area around a monument, protected structures, boats, shipwrecks,[2][3] and cultural environments. The act describes what automatically enjoys cultural heritage protection and what may be protected under an individual decision.

  1. ^ Cultural Heritage Act at Lovdata.
  2. ^ Guijarro Garcia, Elena et al. 2006. Bottom Trawling and Scallop Dredging in the Arctic: Impacts of Fishing on Nin-Target Species, Vulnerable Habitats and Cultural Heritage. Copenhagen: TemaNord, p. 351
  3. ^ Kvalø, Frode, & Lyder Marstrander. 2006. Norway. In: Sarah Dromgoole (ed.), The Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage: National Perspectives in Light of the UNESCO Convention 2001, pp. 217–228. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, p. 221.