
Queen consort of Mercia
Portrait penny of Cynethryth, minted by Eoba at Canterbury. Cynethryth is the only Anglo-Saxon queen known to have had coins issued in her name and these are unique in Western Europe of the period.[1] Coin held by the British Museum.
Diedafter 798
SpouseOffa of Mercia
IssueEcgfrith, King of Mercia
Eadburh, Queen of Wessex
Ælfflæd, Queen of Northumbria

Cynethryth (Cyneðryð; died after AD 798) was a Queen of Mercia, wife of King Offa of Mercia and mother of King Ecgfrith of Mercia. Cynethryth is the only Anglo-Saxon queen consort in whose name coinage was definitely issued.

  1. ^ Williams, p. 216.