Dale Warland Singers

The CD Cover to "Harvest Home," the last album recorded by the Dale Warland Singers, released in 2005

The Dale Warland Singers (DWS) was a 40-voice professional chorus based in St. Paul, Minnesota, founded in 1972 by Dale Warland and disbanded in 2004. They performed a wide variety of choral repertoire but specialized in 20th-century music and commissioned American composers extensively. In terms of sound, the DWS was known for its purity of tone, intonation, legato sound and stylistic range. During their existence, the DWS performed roughly 400 concerts and recorded 29 CDs.[1]

  1. ^ Mary K. Geston, "Dale Warland Singers," in Grove Music Online (Oxford University Press, 2001—), accessed November 17, 2013, http://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/subscriber/article/grove/music/A2218924.