Dalki is a Korean cartoon character and children's franchise created by Ssamzie in 1997, akin to Strawberry Shortcake, Hello Kitty, and Miffy from the US, Japan, and Holland respectively.[1] Dalki is the title character of the franchise. She is a troublemaker, to be sure, but she is often portrayed as having a kind heart and teaching important lessons. Many of the characters in Dalki are usually seen wearing some kind of fruit costume. Dalki, which means "strawberry" in Korean, wears a strawberry shaped hat.
A Dalki Theme Park was created in June 2004. It is located in the Heyri Art Valley in Paju, Gyeonggi-do, Korea. A new extension space called "I Like Dalki 2" was set up in 2006, and a book theme park "I’m not going home" was launched in June 2007. There is also a "I like Dalki" space at the Kimhae Arts and Sports Center in Gimhae, near the city of Busan.[2]
In April 2010, Ssamzie announced its bankruptcy.[1] The Dalki character division, however, had separated from the main company in October of the previous year and is now under the management of Ureen Nongbu Co. Ltd (주 어린농부).[1]