Danrin school

The Danrin school (談林派) is a school of haikai poetry founded by the poet Nishiyama Sōin[1][2] (1605 to 1682). The name literally means 'talkative forest' – in other words a ‘Literary Forest’.[3]

  1. ^ Sargent, G.W. and Ihara Saikaku. The Japanese Family Storehouse; Or the Millionaires Gospel Modernised; Nippon Eitai-Gura or Daifuku Shin Choja Kyo 1688. Cambridge University Press, 1959 xv
  2. ^ "談林派(ダンリンハ)とは - コトバンク" (in Japanese). kotobank. Retrieved 2017-11-28.
  3. ^ l Zolbrod, Haiku Painting (1982) p. 7