Daphnia pulicaria

Daphnia pulicaria
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Branchiopoda
Order: Anomopoda
Family: Daphniidae
Genus: Daphnia
Subgenus: Daphnia
D. pulicaria
Binomial name
Daphnia pulicaria
Forbes, 1893

Daphnia pulicaria is a species of freshwater crustaceans found within the genus of Daphnia, which are often called "water fleas," and they are commonly used as model organisms for scientific research.[1] Like other species of Daphnia, they reproduce via cyclic parthenogenesis.[2] D. pulicaria are filter-feeders with a diet primarily consisting of algae, including Ankistrodesmus falcatus, and they can be found in deep lakes located in temperate climates.[3] Furthermore, D. pulicaria are ecologically important herbivorous zooplankton, which help control algal populations and are a source of food for some fish.[4] D. pulicaria are closely related to Daphnia pulex, and numerous studies have investigated the nature and strength of this relationship because these species can produce Daphnia pulex-pulicaria hybrids.[5] In recent years, D. pulicaria along with other Daphnia species have been negatively affected by invasive predators, such as Bythotrephes longimanus.[6]

  1. ^ Geedey, C. K.; Tessier, A. J.; Machledt, K. (1996). "Habitat heterogeneity, environmental change, and the clonal structure of Daphnia populations". Functional Ecology. 10 (5): 613–621. Bibcode:1996FuEco..10..613G. doi:10.2307/2390171. JSTOR 2390171.
  2. ^ Černý, Martin; Hebert, Paul D. N. (1993). "Genetic diversity and breeding system variation in Daphnia pulicaria from North American lakes". Heredity. 71 (5): 497–507. doi:10.1038/hdy.1993.168.
  3. ^ Dudycha, Jeffry L.; Tessier, Alan J. (1999). "Natural Genetic Variation of Life Span, Reproduction, and Juvenile Growth in Daphnia". Evolution. 53 (6): 1744–1756. doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.1999.tb04559.x. PMID 28565448.
  4. ^ Bernot, Randall J.; Dodds, Walter K.; Quist, Michael C.; Guy, Christopher S. (2006). "Temperature and kairomone induced life history plasticity in coexisting Daphnia". Aquatic Ecology. 40 (3): 361–372. Bibcode:2006AqEco..40..361B. doi:10.1007/s10452-006-9035-5.
  5. ^ Colbourne, J.K.; Crease, T. J.; Weider, L. J.; Hebert, P. D. N.; Dufresne, F.; Hobæk, A. (1998). "Phylogenetics and evolution of a circumarctic species complex (Cladocera: Daphnia pulex)". Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 65: 347–365.
  6. ^ Barbiero, Richard; Tuchman, Marc (2004). "Changes in the crustacean communities of Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Erie following the invasion of the predatory cladoceran Bythotrephes longimanus". Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 61 (11): 2111–2125. doi:10.1139/f04-149.