Death-inducing signaling complex

Signaling pathway of TNF-R1. Dashed grey lines represent multiple steps

The death-inducing signaling complex or DISC is a multi-protein complex formed by members of the death receptor family of apoptosis-inducing cellular receptors.[1] A typical example is FasR, which forms the DISC upon trimerization as a result of its ligand (FasL) binding. The DISC is composed of the death receptor, FADD, and caspase 8. It transduces a downstream signal cascade resulting in apoptosis.

  1. ^ Kischkel, FC; Hellbardt, S; Behrmann, I; Germer, M; Pawlita, M; Krammer, PH; Peter, ME (Nov 15, 1995). "Cytotoxicity-dependent APO-1 (Fas/CD95)-associated proteins form a death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) with the receptor". The EMBO Journal. 14 (22): 5579–88. doi:10.1002/j.1460-2075.1995.tb00245.x. PMC 394672. PMID 8521815.