December 2011 lunar eclipse

Total Lunar Eclipse
10 December 2011

Singapore, 14:40 UTC

The Moon passes right to left through the Earth's shadow
Series (and member) 135 (23 of 71)
Gamma -0.3882
Magnitude 1.1061
Duration (hr:mn:sc)
Totality 0:51:08
Partial 3:32:15
Penumbral 5:56:21
Contacts (UTC)
P1 11:33:36
U1 12:45:43
U2 14:06:16
Greatest 14:31:49
U3 14:57:24
U4 16:17:58
P4 17:29:57

The Moon's hourly motion across the Earth's shadow in the constellation of Taurus

A total lunar eclipse took place on 10 December 2011. It was the second of two total lunar eclipses in 2011, the first having occurred on June 15. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon is positioned just right in its orbit to pass through Earth's shadow.