Deck department

The deck department is responsible for safely receiving, discharging, and caring for cargo during a voyage.
The ship's bosun, an able seaman (AB) day worker, and a watchstander AB are seen here working aloft aboard a U.S. freighter to maintain cargo rigging.

The deck department is an organisational team on board naval and merchant ships. Seafarers in the deck department work a variety of jobs on a ship or vessel, but primarily they will carry out the navigation of a vessel from the bridge. However, they are usually also responsible for supervising and monitoring any maritime cargo on board, as well as ensuring maintenance of the deck and upper hull structure, monitoring the stability of the ship, including loading and discharging ballast water, carrying out mooring operations, and finally anchoring a ship.

Among the merchant fleets of countries that have ratified the STCW Convention, the department and its manning requirements, including the responsibilities of each rank are regulated by that STCW Convention.[1] The department is led by deck officers, who are licensed mariners, and they are commanded overall by the ship's captain.

  1. ^ Standards of Training and Certification of Watchkeeping' (STCW) Convention. International Maritime Organization. 2010.