Decree on the Abolition of Estates and Civil Ranks

The Decree on the Abolition of Estates and Civil Ranks was a decree approved by the Central Executive Committee of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies at its meeting on November 23, 1917 and agreed to by the Council of People's Commissars on November 24, 1917. Published on November 25, 1917 in the Newspaper of the Provisional Workers and Peasants Government and Izvestia,[1] on December 21, 1917 published in the Assembly of the Laws and Regulations of the Workers and Peasants Government.[2] The decree contained a provision (Article No. 7) on the entry into force "from the date of its publication".

The decree was intended to abolish the estates and estate legal instruments — classes, titles and civil ranks of the Russian Empire on the territory of Soviet Russia, to introduce the legal equality of all citizens of the new state.

  1. ^ Valk, Sigismund (1957–1997). Decree Abolishing Classes and Civil Ranks. Politizdat. ISBN 5-250-00390-7.
  2. ^ Collection of Laws and government regulations for 1917-1918. Administrative Department of the People's Commissars of the USSR. 1942.