Demographics of Niger

Demographics of Niger
Population pyramid of Niger in 2020
Population24,484,587 (2022 est.)
Growth rate3.66% (2022 est.)
Birth rate47.08 births/1,000 population (2022 est.)
Death rate9.87 deaths/1,000 population (2022 est.)
Life expectancy60.09 years
 • male58.55 years
 • female61.68 years
Fertility rate6.82 children born/woman (2022 est.)
Infant mortality rate66.81 deaths/1,000 live births
Net migration rate-0.64 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2022 est.)
Age structure
0–14 years50.58%
65 and over2.68%

The demographic features of Nigeriens, the people of Niger consist of population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population.

The largest ethnic groups in Niger are the Hausa, who also constitute the major ethnic group in northern Nigeria, and the Zarma-Songhai (also spelled Djerma-Songhai), who also are found in parts of Mali. Both groups are sedentary farmers who live in the arable, southern tier. The Kanouri (including Beri Beri, Manga) make up the majority of sedentary population in the far southeast of the nation. The remainder of the Nigerien people are nomadic or seminomadic livestock-raising peoples—Tuareg, Fulani,[1] Toubou and Diffa Arabs. With rapidly growing populations and the consequent competition for meager natural resources, lifestyles of these two types of peoples have come increasingly into conflict in Niger in recent years.

Niger's high infant mortality rate is comparable to levels recorded in neighboring countries. However, the child mortality rate (deaths among children between the ages of 1 and 4) is exceptionally high (274 per 1,000) due to generally poor health conditions and inadequate nutrition for most of the country's children. Niger's very high total fertility rate (6.89 children born per woman, which is the highest in the world[2]), nonetheless, means that nearly half (49%) of the Nigerien population is under age 15. School attendance is low (34%), including 38% of males and 27% of females. Additional education occurs through Koranic schools.

  1. ^ In Fula: Fulɓe; in French: Peul.
  2. ^ "CIA - the World Factbook -- Country Comparison :: Total fertility rate". Archived from the original on 2009-10-28. Retrieved 2012-03-17.