Depressor septi nasi muscle

Depressor septi nasi
Muscles of the head, face, and neck.
OriginIncisive fossa of the maxilla
InsertionNasal septum and back part of the alar part of nasalis muscle
NerveBuccal branch of the facial nerve
ActionsDepresses nasal septum, constricts nostril, moves apex of nose during movement of upper lip (e.g. talking)
Latinmusculus depressor septi nasi
Anatomical terms of muscle

The depressor septi nasi muscle (or depressor alae nasi muscle) is a muscle of the face. It connects the incisive fossa of the maxilla and the orbicularis oris muscle to the nasal septum of the nose. It draws the ala of the nose downwards, reducing the size of the nostrils.