Deputy Premier of Quebec

The deputy premier of Quebec (French: Vice-premier ministre du Québec (masculine) or Vice-première ministre du Québec (feminine)), is the deputy head of government in Quebec.

There was no deputy premier until July 1960.

In the 1960s, the post was sometimes referred to as the vice president of the Executive Council.

The post has been temporarily vacant twice: after the death of Premier Daniel Johnson, Sr. when the incumbent deputy premier, Jean-Jacques Bertrand, became premier; and after the death of Deputy Premier Pierre Laporte. Besides Bertrand, two other deputy premiers, Bernard Landry and Pauline Marois, later became premier, though both did so some years after their tenure as deputy premier had ended. The longest serving deputy Premier was Lise Bacon at 8 years and 30 days. While Michelle Courchesne was the shorter serving at 4 months 5 days. Out of 22 deputy Premiers 10 have been women. The current Deputy Premier is Geneviève Guilbault of the CAQ and was sworn in on October 18, 2018.