Devil May Cry: The Animated Series (Japanese: デビル メイ クライ, Hepburn: Debiru Mei Kurai) is a Japanese anime series based on the video game series by Capcom. It is set sometime between Devil May Cry and Devil May Cry 2. The show is produced by the anime studio Madhouse and directed by Shin Itagaki. It debuted on the WOWOW TV network in Japan on June 14, 2007, and ran 12 episodes.[4][5][6]
On June 30, 2007, at Anime Expo 07, it was announced that ADV Films had licensed the show. However, in 2008, it became one of more than 30 titles that were transferred to Funimation.[7] The series made its North American television debut on the Funimation Channel in September 2010[8][9][10][11] and it began airing on Chiller'sAnime Wednesdays block on July 15, 2015.[12]