Dhyan Govinda Ranjit

Dhyan Govinda Ranjit during Election Campaign in 2008

Dhyan Govinda Ranjit a.k.a. Dhyan Govinda Ranjitkar (Nepali/Nepal Bhasa: ध्यान गोबिन्द रञ्जित) is a Nepalese politician and a leader of Nepali Congress. He is a member of Nepalese constituent assembly/Nepalese Parliament. Ranjit has twice been elected to the Nepalese Constituent Assembly from Kathmandu constituency on two consecutive elections. He is an elected member of Nepali Congress parliamentary party working committee (Nepali: संसदीय दलको कार्यसमिति) representing Province-3 (Nepali: Pradesh-3). He was a representative of Nepali Congress in work editing committee (Nepali:कार्य व्यवस्था परामर्श समिति) .[1] He is the Past President of Kathmandu District Committee of Nepali Congress.

Ranjit has been active in Nepalese politics since the "civil disobidience movement" (bhadra awagya andolan) in 1954 (2014 Bikram Sambat). He was amongst the first group of activists imprisoned in the coup d'état of 1960 (2017 Bikram Sambat) by King Mahendra for advocating democracy and supporting elected Prime Minister, Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala. During King Mahendra's direct rule after coup d'etat of 1960 (1 Poush 2017), he was accused of Sedition (Nepali:राजद्रोह) for trying to establish democratic political system against King's direct autocratic system due to which he was imprisoned for around a decade in various prisons in Nepal and spent many years in exile along with leaders like Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala, Girija Prasad Koirala, Ganesh Man Singh and Krishna Prasad Bhattarai.