Digital Transgender Archive

The Digital Transgender Archive (DTA) is an online resource based at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, in collaboration with more than sixty international colleges, universities, nonprofit organizations, and private collections. It was established to enable researchers to locate and make use of transgender-related materials in digital and physical collections.[1][2] It serves as a finding aid for archival materials and an online hub for born-digital materials and digitized historical materials. According to the archive's website: "In order to address these significant barriers to the accessibility of trans history, the DTA virtually merges disparate archival collections, digital materials, and independent projects with a single search engine. With rich primary source materials and powerful search tools, the DTA offers a generative point of entry into the fascinating and expansive world of trans history."[2]

  1. ^ "RECOMMENDED: Trans-ing History on the Web: The Digital Transgender Archive". dh+lib. 2016-09-08. Retrieved 2017-06-28.
  2. ^ a b "Overview - Digital Transgender Archive". Retrieved 2017-06-28.