Dimov Gate

Location of Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands.
Dimov Gate from Miziya Peak, with Castra Martis Hill in the foreground, and Bowles West Peak and Burdick Peak in the background.
Topographic map of central-eastern Livingston Island featuring Dimov Gate.
Topographic map of Livingston Island, Greenwich, Robert, Snow and Smith Islands.

Dimov Gate (Dimova Porta \'di-mo-va 'por-ta\) is a 300 m wide ice-covered pass in Antarctica, located in eastern Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica and bounded by Rayna Knyaginya Peak in Bowles Ridge to the southeast and by Hemus Peak to the northwest. The pass separates the glacial catchments of Kaliakra Glacier, and the tributary glacier draining the area between Hemus Peak and Bowles West Peak and flowing west-southwestwards into Perunika Glacier. It affords overland access from Perunika Glacier to the northern slopes of Bowles Ridge and to upper Kaliakra Glacier.

The pass is named after Dimo Dimov, geologist at St. Kliment Ohridski in 1994/95 and subsequent seasons, who was the first postmaster of the post office Antarctica 1090 operated at the base since the 1994/95 season in compliance with standard Bulgarian postal regulations and procedures.