Direct-conversion receiver

A direct-conversion receiver (DCR), also known as homodyne, synchrodyne, or zero-IF receiver, is a radio receiver design that demodulates the incoming radio signal using synchronous detection driven by a local oscillator whose frequency is identical to, or very close to the carrier frequency of the intended signal. This is in contrast to the standard superheterodyne receiver where this is accomplished only after an initial conversion to an intermediate frequency.[1]

The simplification of performing only a single frequency conversion reduces the basic circuit complexity but other issues arise, for instance, regarding dynamic range. In its original form it was unsuited to receiving AM and FM signals without implementing an elaborate phase locked loop. Although these and other technical challenges made this technique rather impractical around the time of its invention (1930s), current technology, and software radio in particular, have revived its use in certain areas including some consumer products.

  1. ^ The Differences Between Receiver Types, Part 1 Quote: "...A direct-conversion receiver, also known as a homodyne or zero-IF receiver, is one type of receiver architecture (Fig. 1). Direct-conversion receivers convert an RF signal to a 0-Hz signal in one stage...", backup