Direct support professional

Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) are professionals who work directly with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, with the aim of assisting the individual to become integrated into their community or the least restrictive environment.

DSPs share similar job duties with professional caregivers; they may assist with activities of daily living, transportation, ambulatory transfers, medication assistance under a delegating nurse, food preparation, and other as-needed duties. Given the possible challenging behaviors displayed by some individuals with developmental disabilities, including self-injurious and assaultive behavior, DSPs may also have experience in de-escalation and positive behavior support. However, their job broadly centers around assisting their clients to lead their most independent, autonomous, and socially participatory lives.[1][2] A DSP provides support with community integration, competitive integrated employment, and acts as an advocate in communicating the wants, needs, and goals of the disabled individuals that they work for.

  1. ^ "Direct Support Professionals (DSPs)". Today, the role of a DSP goes beyond caregiving and focuses more broadly on supporting people with disabilities to participate fully in their communities
  2. ^ "Who Are Direct Support Professionals?". Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) assist people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities in realizing their full potential and becoming valued and participating members of their communities.