Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism

Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism
Direcția de Investigare a Infracțiunilor de Criminalitate Organizată și Terorism
English logo
English logo
Agency overview
Jurisdictional structure
National agency
(Operations jurisdiction)
Operations jurisdictionRomania
Legal jurisdictionAs per operations jurisdiction
Operational structure
Agency executive
Parent agencyProsecutor's Office of the High Court of Cassation and Justice [ro][1]

The Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (Romanian: Direcția de Investigare a Infracțiunilor de Criminalitate Organizată și Terorism, DIICOT) is a law enforcement agency of the Romanian government tasked with investigating and prosecuting organized crime, drug trafficking, cybercrime, financial crimes, and terrorism-related offenses. [2][3] It was formed in 2004 under Law 508/2004,[4] and operates under the jurisdiction of the Romanian Public Ministry [ro].[5]

The DIICOT is headed by a Chief Prosecutor and a deputy, nominated by the Minister of Justice and appointed by the President of Romania. The Chief Prosecutor of the Directorate is subordinated to the General Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice.[6]

Considered to be smaller and lesser known than its sister agency, the National Anticorruption Directorate,[7] the DIICOT has wider ranging responsibilities that include crimes against cultural heritage, tobacco smuggling, and migrant trafficking.[7] In 2017 alone, over 3,200 people were convicted based on its investigations and indictments.[7]

  1. ^ Nowak 2021, p. 240.
  2. ^ LAW No. 508 of 2004 on the Creation, Organization and Operation of the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism, within the Public Ministry, Art. 2.
  3. ^ "The Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT), a key player in the fight against cybercrime in Romania". Council of Europe. March 14, 2016. Retrieved 2023-01-17.
  4. ^ "DIICOT - cinci ani de activitate". Mediafax (in Romanian). Retrieved 2023-01-17.
  5. ^ Ostrowski & Butler 2018, p. 101.
  6. ^ LAW No. 508 of 2004 on the Creation, Organization and Operation of the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism, within the Public Ministry, Art. 3-4.
  7. ^ a b c Matei, Bogdan (2018-02-07). "The Directorate for Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism". Radio Romania International. Retrieved 2023-01-03.