Dirichlet kernel

In mathematical analysis, the Dirichlet kernel, named after the German mathematician Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet, is the collection of periodic functions defined as

where n is any nonnegative integer. The kernel functions are periodic with period .

Plot restricted to one period of the first few Dirichlet kernels showing their convergence to one of the Dirac delta distributions of the Dirac comb.

The importance of the Dirichlet kernel comes from its relation to Fourier series. The convolution of Dn(x) with any function f of period 2π is the nth-degree Fourier series approximation to f, i.e., we have where is the kth Fourier coefficient of f. This implies that in order to study convergence of Fourier series it is enough to study properties of the Dirichlet kernel.

Plot restricted to one period of the first few Dirichlet kernels (multiplied by ).