Disability Discrimination Act 1992

Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Parliament of Australia
  • An Act relating to discrimination on the ground of disability
CitationNo. 135 of 1992 or No. 135, 1992 as amended
Territorial extentStates and territories of Australia
Enacted byHouse of Representatives
Enacted bySenate
Legislative history
First chamber: House of Representatives
Bill titleDisability Discrimination Bill 1992
Introduced byBrian Howe
First reading26 May 1992
Second reading19 Aug 1992
Third reading19 Aug 1992
Status: In force

The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) is an Act passed by the Parliament of Australia in which prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, education, publicly available premises, provision of goods and services, accommodation, clubs and associations, and other contexts. Discrimination is defined to include failing to make reasonable adjustments for the person. The Australian Human Rights Commission are given and assess complaints made under the Act.