Fictitious setting in the Discworld franchise
The Discworld is the fictional world where English writer Sir Terry Pratchett's Discworld fantasy novels take place. It consists of an intersteller planet-sized disc, which sits on the backs of four huge elephants, themselves standing on the back of a world turtle, named Great A'Tuin, as it slowly swims through space.
The Disc is the setting for all forty-one Discworld novels; it was influenced by world religions which feature human worlds resting on turtles, as a setting to reflect situations on Earth, in a humorous way. The Discworld is peopled mostly by the three main races of; Men, Dwarves and Trolls. As the novels progress, other lesser known races are included, such as; dragons, elves, goblins and pixies.
Pratchett first explored the idea of a disc-shaped world in the novel Strata (1981).