Disjoint union

Disjoint union
TypeSet operation
FieldSet theory
Symbolic statement

In mathematics, the disjoint union (or discriminated union) of the sets A and B is the set formed from the elements of A and B labelled (indexed) with the name of the set from which they come. So, an element belonging to both A and B appears twice in the disjoint union, with two different labels.

A disjoint union of an indexed family of sets is a set often denoted by with an injection of each into such that the images of these injections form a partition of (that is, each element of belongs to exactly one of these images). A disjoint union of a family of pairwise disjoint sets is their union.

In category theory, the disjoint union is the coproduct of the category of sets, and thus defined up to a bijection. In this context, the notation is often used.

The disjoint union of two sets and is written with infix notation as . Some authors use the alternative notation or (along with the corresponding or ).

A standard way for building the disjoint union is to define as the set of ordered pairs such that and the injection as