Display list

A display list, also called a command list in Direct3D 12 and a command buffer in Vulkan, is a series of graphics commands so that they may be later run when the list is executed.[1] Systems that make use of display list functionality are called retained mode systems, while systems that do not are as opposed to immediate mode systems. In OpenGL, display lists are useful to redraw the same geometry or apply a set of state changes multiple times.[2][3] This benefit is also used with Direct3D 12's bundle command lists. In Direct3D 12 and Vulkan, display lists are regularly used for per-frame recording and execution.

  1. ^ "Chapter 7 - OpenGL Programming Guide". www.glprogramming.com. Addison-Wesely. Retrieved 18 November 2018.
  2. ^ OpenGL programming guide: the official guide to learning OpenGL, version 1.1 (2nd ed.). Addison Wesley. 1997. ISBN 978-0201461381.
  3. ^ Mark Segal, Kurt Akeley, The Design of the OpenGL Graphics Interface. http://www.graphics.stanford.edu/courses/cs448a-01-fall/design_opengl.pdf