Divine madness

Divine madness, also known as theia mania and crazy wisdom, is unconventional, outrageous, unexpected, or unpredictable behavior linked to religious or spiritual pursuits. Examples of divine madness can be found in Buddhism, Christianity, Hellenism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Shamanism.

It is usually explained as a manifestation of enlightened behavior by persons who have transcended societal norms, or as a means of spiritual practice or teaching among mendicants and teachers. These behaviors may seem to be symptoms of mental illness, but could also be manifestations of religious ecstasy or even be "strategic, purposeful activity"[1] "by highly self-aware individuals making strategic use of the theme of madness in the construction of their public personas".[2]

  1. ^ DiValerio 2011, p. ii.
  2. ^ DiValerio 2011, p. iii.