Dog Star Adventure

Dog Star Adventure
Cover of SoftSide May 1979
Developer(s)Lance Micklus
Platform(s)TRS-80 (original)
Commodore PET
Genre(s)Interactive fiction

Dog Star Adventure is a text adventure game written by Lance Micklus in TRS-80 BASIC and published as the cover article in the May 1979 issue of SoftSide magazine. It is historically notable as the first example of the source code to a text adventure being published,[1][2] and as a result, many later text adventures are based on its concepts.

The game takes place in the Star Wars universe, loosely following the plot of the movie during the action that takes place on the Death Star. Names of the various characters are changed to avoid copyright issues. The player has to gather a number of items to repair their ship, rescue princess Leya, and escape without being detected by the many Roche Soldiers.

  1. ^ "Death Planet: The Dog Star Adventure (Other-Venture #5)". Ye Olde Infocomm Shoppe.
  2. ^ "Dog Star Adventure". Interactive Fiction Database.