Dominicus Corea

King Dominicus Corea (Edirille Rala)
DiedJuly 14, 1596
Title(s)King of Kotte and Sitawaka
FatherDon Jeronimo Corea (Mudaliyar Vikramasinha)(Commander-in-Chief of King Mayadunne's army)
MotherAnna Devi
SpousePrincess Subadra Devi, daughter of King Veediya Bandara, ruler of the Principality of the Seven Korales

Dominicus Corea (Sinhalese family name Edirille Bandara) also known as Domingos Corea and Edirille Rala, was the son of Don Jeronimo Corea and Anna Corea. Don Jeronimo Corea was also known as Mudaliyar Vikramasinha, Commander-in-Chief of King Mayadunne's army.[1] Jeronimo Corea was executed by King Mayadunne's son, Rajasinghe.[2] Dominicus Corea was born in Colombo in 1565. At that time, the Portuguese had colonised Ceylon, and his parents converted to Catholicism.

Following the death of Don Jeronimo Corea, his two sons, Dominicus and Simon were sent to Colombo for safety – at the time King Dharmapala was reigning in the Kingdom of Kotte. Dominicus and Simon were baptised as Catholics and grew up with the young Prince Konappu Bandara – later on he reigned as King Vimala Dharma Suriya of the Kandyan kingdom.[3]

De Queyroz, the great Portuguese historian writing about Dominicus Corea noted that "he was able to read and write like a well bred man." Trained from boyhood warlike pursuits, he was skilled in arms, and was dreaded as being one of the most expert swordsmen in his time.

  1. ^ Wright, Arnold (1999). 20th Century Imressions of Ceylon, p.735 (copy and google if link fails). ISBN 9788120613355. Retrieved November 13, 2011.
  2. ^ De Silva, K. M.; Silva, Kingsley Muthumuni de (January 1981). A.W.Wright in 'Twentieth Century Impressions of Ceylon,' notes that Don Jeronimo Corea was Commander-in-Chief- of the forces of Mayadunne, the great King of Sitawaka. ISBN 9780520043206. Retrieved July 18, 2011.
  3. ^ De Silva, K. M.; Silva, Kingsley Muthumuni de (January 1981). The British author, A.W. Wright refers to Dominicus and Simon Corea fleeing to Colombo after their father Don Jeronimo Corea was killed by Rajasinghe, son of King Mayadunne. ISBN 9780520043206. Retrieved July 18, 2011.