Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus

Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus
Dorsomedial nucleus is 'DM', at center, in green.
The dorsomedial hypothalamus of the mouse brain
Latinnucleus dorsomedialis areae hypothalamicae intermediae
NeuroLex IDbirnlex_1558
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy

The dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus is a nucleus of the hypothalamus. It is involved in feeding, drinking, body-weight regulation and circadian activity.[1] More specifically, it is a necessary component for the expression of numerous behavioral and physiological circadian rhythms. The dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus receives information from neurons and humors involved in feeding regulation, body weight and energy consumption, and then passes this information on to brain regions involved in sleep and wakefulness regulation, body temperature and corticosteroid secretion.[2]

  1. ^ Chou, Thomas C.; Scammell, Thomas E.; Gooley, Joshua J.; Gaus, Stephanie E.; Saper, Clifford B.; Lu, Jun (November 2003). "Critical role of dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus in a wide range of behavioral circadian rhythms". The Journal of Neuroscience. 23 (33): 10691–702. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.23-33-10691.2003. PMC 6740926. PMID 14627654.
  2. ^ Gooley, Joshua J; Schomer, Ashley; Saper, Clifford B (March 2006). "The dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus is critical for the expression of food-entrainable circadian rhythms". Nature Neuroscience. 9 (3): 398–407. doi:10.1038/nn1651. PMID 16491082. S2CID 8250782.