Double Ranging Rook

In shogi, Double Ranging Rook (also Double Swinging Rook, Mutual Swinging Rook) (相振り飛車 ai-furibisha) is a class of Ranging Rook openings in which both players choose a Ranging Rook position.

The term does not apply when one player (or both) moves their rook to their respective fourth or third files (Right Fourth File Rook, Sleeve Rook) as these are still considered to be Static Rook positions.

Double Ranging Rook games were relatively rare compared with Double Static Rook and Static Rook vs Ranging Rook games. However, more recently, they have gained in popularity somewhat as Fairbairn noted in the 1980s.

The most often played game among professionals is Black's Opposing Rook vs White's Third File Rook.