Double exponential function

A double exponential function (red curve) compared to a single exponential function (blue curve).

A double exponential function is a constant raised to the power of an exponential function. The general formula is (where a>1 and b>1), which grows much more quickly than an exponential function. For example, if a = b = 10:

  • f(x) = 1010x
  • f(0) = 10
  • f(1) = 1010
  • f(2) = 10100 = googol
  • f(3) = 101000
  • f(100) = 1010100 = googolplex.

Factorials grow faster than exponential functions, but much more slowly than double exponential functions. However, tetration and the Ackermann function grow faster. See Big O notation for a comparison of the rate of growth of various functions.

The inverse of the double exponential function is the double logarithm log(log(x)).