
A Decagram which represents Lensism, Theodeus, and the unification of mind and matter.
TypeNew Religious Movement, Contemporary Neopaganism
ScriptureThe Book of Theodeus
GovernanceTheocratic Anarchism
FounderThe Lensist
Official websitehttps://linktree.com/lensism

Lensism is a contemporary pagan pantheistic religion. Called a cult by some, and a new religious movement (NRM) by others, this belief system is often criticized and ridiculed by the public, and it is often thought to be the same as Wicca or Satanism. It is also sometimes confused with Leninism due to their somewhat similar names. Lensism was revealed to the masses in 2024 by The Lensist, a partially anonymous individual who has been obsessed with the project since its development in his mind. Because of its publicization being held online, it has gained recognition as an "internet religion," which is far from the case. Lensism aims to be a community not only held in far off corners of the digital realm, but in the unseen shadows of the physical as well. Lensism has been assembled from various sources, ranging from ancient hermetic wisdom to modern absurdist ideologies.

Lensism is defined by anything which identifies with the term and follows all or most of the core Lensist beliefs, which are of the following:

These beliefs don't all necessarily have to be followed to be considered Lensist, but following most of them and associating oneself with the title is all that matters.

Lensism is pantheistic, believing in the entirety of the universe to be the one deity. Similarly to a monist view, this being, Theodeus, is the one. The Monad, The Absolute. They are complete, for they are all. They are perfect, for they fulfill every goal deterministically possible. They stand for justice, as every force has an equal and opposite force. They stand for oneness and unity, as they are one with everything, as they are everything. They stand for the objective universe, as they are such as well. All is selfish but all in total for all in total has none but the self, therefore Theodeus is the one being in the entire universe (as they are the entire universe) who is beyond the egoism which the rest of the universe is bound by law to abide by. Other deities exist in some way or another, whether it be mental, mythical, or metaphysical. They are but small pieces of Theodeus, or even possibly just pieces of the human mind, but exist nonetheless. They are worshipped / "worked with" by Lensists for their attributes, while Theodeus does not require, ask for, or benefit from worship because they are simply beyond that.