
Perceptronium is a hypothetical state of matter proposed as a solution to the hard problem of consciousness. It is a term coined by physicist and cosmologist Max Tegmark, who suggested that consciousness can be understood as a mathematical pattern that emerges from certain physical systems that have distinctive information processing abilities. Such a state of matter is therefore achieved naturally through the evolutionary adaptations responsible for the human brain, but can also be recreated artificially in the construction of a sufficiently powerful supercomputer or general artificial intelligence. Tegmark proposes two states of matter, computronium and perceptronium, reflecting the two functions of conscious matter described by integrated information theory (IIT), which was developed by neuroscientist Giulio Tononi and is the basis of Tegmark's theory.[1]

Tegmark originally proposed the theory in 2014[1] and the concept would continue to be discussed into the present day.

  1. ^ a b BEC Crew. "This Physicist Says Consciousness Could Be a New State of Matter", Science Alert, 15 September 2016. Retrieved 4 June 2024.